Our Services
We are a survey company who provide a wide spectrum of measurement services from buried service avoidance to Pas128 utility detection & mapping, Measured building surveys to land surveying, 3D Laser Scanning to BiM modelling.
“Utility detection and mapping is who we are and we pride ourselves on the product we produce”
Find out about all the latest news

Back on the road
Back on the road again, to be brutally honest we are rarely off it…

We’re looking for an experienced utility surveyor to come join the team
SVS Ltd is a multidiscipline professional surveying company based in the heart of the UK who provide services for all aspects of the built, transport and civil engineering environments.

Screening Eagle / Proceq GS8000
It has long been our mantra that in order to provide an unrivaled service you need the best personnel, techniques and tools to do the job.

Geo Business News
Finally the long awaited return of Geo-Business is upon us and Site Vision Surveys are exhibiting.

GeoBusiness Editorial
Attending a recent CICES webinar on “the digital World” it was interesting to hear how current World events has driven acceptance of digital technology, even within the last bastions of the paper society who now see the benefits and ease of moving digital data around.